Digital Sound, Anemometer, %RH, Temp. Type K, light meter, LUTRON LM-8102 Product ID: LM-8102
Lutron LM-8102 is a 5 in 1 METER - Anemometer, Humidity meter, Light Meter, Thermometer, Sound level meter
Sound level meter: 30 to 130 dB, auto range.
Humidity: 10 to 95 %RH, Temp.. (°C/°F).
Anemometer: 0.4 to 30 m/s, Temp.. (°C/°F).
Light: 0 to 20,000 Lux, 0 to 1,660 Ft-cd, auto range.
Type K Thermometer: -100 to 1300 °C, °C/°F.
The sound level meter meets IEC 61672 TYPE 2.
Data hold, Record (Max., Min.), RS232/USB.
5 in 1 professional measuring instrument: Anemometer, Type K Thermometer
Hygrometer, Type K Thermometer, Light meter.
Sound level meter. Measurement Range Resolution
* Anemometer uses low-friction ball bearing mounted Temperature ( Type K ) -148 to 2372 ℉ 0.1 ℉
wheel design provides high accuracy. -100 to 1300 ℃ 0.1 ℃
* Light meter uses exclusive photo diode and color
correction filter light sensor, spectrum meets C.I.E. Measurement Range Accuracy
photopic. Temperature -148 to 2372 ℉ ± (1% reading + 2℉)
* Type K thermometer uses a standard type K (NiCr-NiAl) ( Type K ) -100 to 1300 ℃ ± (1% reading + 1℃)
thermocouple input jack suitable for all kinds of type
K probe. Anemometer ( Air velocity/Temp. )
* Humidity meter uses high precision humidity sensor
with fast response time. Measurement Range Resolution
* Sound level meter's characteristic is simulated as Air velocity ft/min 80 to 5910 ft/min 1 ft/min
" Human Ear Listing" response, used the " A " frequency m/s 0.4 to 30.0 m/s 0.1 m/s
weightings and " Fast " time weighting to meet IEC km/h 1.4 to 108.0 km/h 0.1 km/h
61672 class 2. MPH 0.9 to 67.0 mile/h 0.1 MPH
* Sound level meter can cooperate with the external 94 dB knots 0.8 to 58.3 knots 0.1 knots
sound calibrator and just press the front buttons to make Temperature 32 to 122 ℉ 0.1 ℉
the calibration ( Semiconductor) 0 to 50 ℃ 0.1 ℃
* Built-in microprocessor circuit assures excellent
performance and accuracy. Measurement Range Accuracy
* Concise and compact buttons arrangement, easy operation. Air velocity 80 to 5910 ft/min
* Memorize the maximum and minimum value with recall. 0.4 to 30.0 m/s <= 20 m/s : ± 3% F.S.
* Hold function to freeze the current reading value. 1.4 to 108.0 km/h > 20 m/s : ± 4% F.S.
* ℃/℉ detection by pressing the button on the front panel. 0.9 to 67.0 mile/h
* Lux/Feet-candle selection by pressing front button. 0.8 to 58.3 knots
* Air velocity measuring units selection by pressing buttons 32 to 122 ℉ ± 2.5 ℉
on the front panel for five kinds of units. 0 to 50 ℃ ± 1.2 ℃
* Multi-channel display for relative humidity and Remark :
temperature measured values or air velocity and ft/min: feet per minute MPH: miles per hour
temperature measured values at the same time. m/s: meters per second knots: nautical miles per hour
* Zero button design makes light meter calibration. km/h: kilometers per hour
* Roughhousing case suitable for handling with one hand,
* RS232/USB computer data bus Light
GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Measurement Range Resolution
Display LCD display, LCD size : 41.5 x 31.5 mm.
Yes, I already received the item last Nov., and it's good. There's just an error sometimes need to remove the battery to restart it when it gets frozen.
Answer :
This should be the feature the guest boots into "REC," causing the host to fail to shut down
Just press the key "Max./Min," as shown in the video
"REC" will appear in the upper left corner of the screen. At this time, you can't turn it off by pressing the power button.
Press and hold "Max./Min." again, and the screen will shut down normally after the "REC" on the screen disappears
The reference video is as follows
If you have other questions, please discuss